Friday, January 08, 2010


I probably won't be on this blog much for the next two weeks- the semester ends at the end of January and I have a ton of finals. You can still expect a couple posts, though!

That being said, I wanted to mention two other things:

First of all, everyone who has read The Hunger Games and Catching Fire must read this. I totally agree with everything in it.

Second of all, today is Miss Erin's birthday! Happy birthday, Erin! I hope you have a wonderful, fabulous year - you are inspirational and so much fun to talk to.


  1. I'll miss you!

    Good luck studying...>!

  2. Whew, tell me about it! Finals stink! Good luck with yours!

  3. Aw, Priya! Thank you so much. I am glad to know you. *smiles*

  4. Good luck with your finals! I just finished mine a couple weeks ago. So stressful...


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