Tuesday, November 02, 2010

CSN Stores Giveaway!

You've probably heard me mention CSN Stores before in previous posts - it's an online store that sells almost everything! Contemporary coffee tables, handbags, artwork... you name it, they've got it. A few months ago, I got the opportunity to review a few CSN products. Now, as a CSN Preferred Blogger, I was given the opportunity to host a giveaway!

So here's how it goes:
  • One person will win a $45 gift certificate to use at any of the CSN stores.
  • Open to everyone *eta: Open only to US and Canadian residents (and gift card won't cover international fees to Canada) ... sorry for the mess up!
  • Giveaway ends on Saturday, November 20th, 2010.

Since this is my first time hosting a giveaway, I've decided to keep it really simple - there won't be any extra entries or anything. To enter, please fill out the form below. A winner will be randomly selected after the 20th.


  1. I may enter in that...but I will have to check with my parents first.

  2. Thanks for the giveaway. :)

  3. Great giveaway! Thanks!


Thanks for stopping by! Comments always make my day.