Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pretty New Covers!

The past few weeks, there have been so many pretty cover releases! You've probably seen most of these already, but here are my favorites:

The sequel to Heist Society... I love how it follows the theme of the first cover with the same model and sunglasses, but the color scheme is different. I love the purple and the teal!

The sequel to Paranormalcy... the dark reds are gorgeous!

And this one is my absolute favorite - the last book in the Theatre Illuminata series. Everything about this is amazing. :)

It doesn't help that I can't WAIT to read all of these! Only a couple more months...


  1. The covers for the Theatre Illuminata series makes me want to buy the books...even though I didn't care for the first book all that much, so it would be a waste of money...but they're just so gorgeous....

  2. Anilee - I feel the same way about the covers... :)

  3. I love the 'So Silver Bright' cover--actually, all the covers from that series. And I LOVE the 'Uncommon Criminals' cover, but I just wish the "U" in the title were a little smaller. It's strangely out of proportion.

    But these are such lovely covers! I would love to have any one of them as an author.

  4. That last cover is SO gorgeous. What Anilee said.

  5. I was going to have a cover post also (with the same three amazing covers!), but you beat me to it. :D


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