Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Midsummer Night's Dream

by William Shakespeare

A Midsummer Night's Dream was a delightful and quick read for me. I loved the comedy and all of the characters, and the dialogue was quirky and fun as well. I also felt that the writing in this play was really simple and easy to understand when compared to many of Shakespeare's other works, so I would recommend this to people who are just starting to read Shakespeare.

The only thing that bothered me was that it seemed too short. Everything happened really fast, but I was hoping for more development. The super-fast way in which everything played out would probably be hilarious on stage, but it was a bit annoying when actually reading it.

Other than that, this is a classic! Definitely a must-read.

A question for all of you: I'm hoping to read a few more Shakespeare plays this summer (preferably shorter ones)... what do you recommend? I'm going to read King Lear in class next year, so I'm not going to bother reading that now. For now, I was thinking maybe Macbeth or Hamlet? I've also heard that The Taming of the Shrew and The Merchant of Venice are pretty good - so help me!


  1. I am a fan of As You Like It, and next week I'm going to see a top-notch production of Much Ado About Nothing, so if you remind me I'll share my opinion of that after I see it.

  2. We had to perform A Midsummer Night's Dream in class when we studied it. I had to play Egeus and Peaseblossom. :D

    I would recommend reading Hamlet. We all know how Shakespeare's tragedies end, but how it plays out is pretty cool. I also really liked the Twelfth Night, and I heard the Taming of the Shrew is great, so I would definitely read them too. :)

  3. Maya- I'll look into it! It sounds great.

    Q- I remember you recommended both of them to me last year, and I loved them! Can't wait to hear about the production!

    Nonie- Thanks for the suggestion! I think I'm definitely going to read Hamlet this summer - I've heard so many people rave about it.

  4. I agree with Taming of the Shrew. That was one of the few I could actually follow and not be confused. I also remember enjoying Othello when I was in school.

  5. :The super-fast way in which everything played out would probably be hilarious on stage, but it was a bit annoying when actually reading it.:

    Very perceptive, Priya-san. I've seen a couple productions of MSND and I think you are definitely right.

    Othello or Hamlet, I vote.

  6. So glad you liked Midsummer! My girls were in the play last summer. Fairies!

    I agree with Q. Much Ado About Nothing.


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