Friday, April 30, 2010

NaPoWriMo #30


As we turn the final page
of last winter's book,
indigo streaks bloom
above our heads like loose
paint strokes on a sky blue
canvas. The bursts
of fireworks crackle in the
distance, people watching
by the edge of the glossy

the warm air surrounded
by the sound of crickets
and the telltale buzz of

not yet summer, but
close enough.

NaPoWriMo is finally over! I'm really glad I did it this year- I think I got some pretty good poems out of this, and I enjoyed writing all the poems as well. Some days were tough and uninspirational, but I think it was a good learning experience for me, figuring out how to draw ideas from basically nowhere. Congratulations to everyone else who took part in NaPoWriMo this year and completed the challenge!

Lastly, I'd like to thank all my followers and commenters for sticking with me through this month and providing so much support and encouragement. I couldn't have done it without you!


  1. You did great. congrats.

  2. love the ending line especially!

  3. Congratulations for finishing poetry month! Your poems were fantastic!

  4. Thanks, everyone! :)

  5. I was writing of you and Maya and your powerful qualities as poets and sisters in a guest blog that will go live in June. What a month you've had! Many congrats.

  6. I like the end! Congrats on finishing NaPoWriMo!I would have never been able to get this done;]

  7. "indigo streaks bloom
    above our heads like loose
    paint strokes on a sky blue

    love that image.

    congrats on making it through the month, talented girl!


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