Wednesday, April 14, 2010

NaPoWriMo #14

kindergarten field trip

gritty sand beneath my feet.

I don't like mud,
or starfish, or
seaweed draped in clumps
over ugly gray rocks.

It's cloudy and
even the ocean looks
gloomy, quietly going in
and out without complaint

my wet shoes are
drying in the parched grass.
there are too many bugs-

please stop laughing, you're annoying me


  1. Laughing...I remember going on this field trip in kindergarten too! :) Believe me, it was just as horrendous for me too.

  2. And what field trip was this?? :)

  3. It was a trip to one of the local beaches, but it wasn't really a beach at all, just mud and starfish. :)


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