Friday, December 04, 2009

Links Around the Internet

For Poetry Friday today, I was going to put up a sonnet that I had written for class a couple weeks ago. But I forgot it at school. So I'll put that up next week.

As for now, I read several wonderful things this week online that I'd like to share:

Danielle has a lovely, mouth-watering, original poem up today for Poetry Friday.

On her blog, Steph Su has a thought-provoking piece up about YA literature in classrooms. Go over, read the post, and put in your two-cents about it!

I discovered a website yesterday which is perfect for the obsessive Harry Potter fan: Average Wizard. (For those of you who know about My Life is Average, Average Wizard is like a Harry Potter version of MLIA.) It has little tidbits about Harry Potter in people's lives, ranging from funny to just plain awesome. I'm going to see New Moon on Sunday (it got postponed from last week) and now I'm tempted to go dressed as a student from Hogwarts...


  1. Aww, thanks for linking to me, Priya! And thank you for commenting on the original post. I'm sad that you were not able to enjoy the classics, as there are so many of them that I actually love! But alas, there are many factors that contribute to one's reading enjoyment. I'm really glad that The Hunger Games has reintroduced you to dystopian lit though. Who knows: maybe in a few years THG will be on some required reading lists?? :)

    But yes, Aldous Huxley. Oh dear.

  2. There are a couple classics I find interesting... Shakespeare is always interesting, for one. But I find that most of the classics that we discuss in school are quite dreary.


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