Wednesday, November 04, 2009

actually, these come in sets of three

From Kirthi

The Dragon's Loyalty Award is for those followers who are the most loyal and give bloggers joy by commenting regularly and with their support.

Thanks, Kirthi! I'm passing this on to anyone who has ever commented on my blog. You guys are great! Your comments make my day.


  1. you're welcome, next thing you know, it'll come in sets of 4 :D

  2. Congrats, love your blog!

  3. You adorable thing you. I just posted a photo that's so very like your photo that I am wondering if we live in the same place....

    Did anything arrive in the mail for you and M?

  4. Congrats, priya! Like Kirthi said, next thing you know, it'll come in sets of 4.

  5. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Aww! Thanks, and congratulations!


Thanks for stopping by! Comments always make my day.