Sunday, October 11, 2009

Help: I need to find a Bible

I need help finding a Bible.

I'm required to purchase one for school purposes (we will be reading parts of it sometime soon in English class). My teacher prefers the Revised Standard Version or the King James Version, but he says that any version that includes both Old and New Testaments would be fine too.

I've been looking on Amazon, and there are so many different versions that I'm not sure which one is best. From looking at reviews, some are slightly inaccurate while others have too-thin paper or too-small fonts.

If anyone has a recommendation for a Bible that fits the requirements above and isn't too expensive, I would really appreciate it. I don't know the difference between all the different versions and editions, so any help would be much appreciated. (And if you could include the Amazon link, that would be terrific.)


  1. My father is a pastor so I decided to ask him about it and here's what he said:

    New International Version- easiest English to understand and read but not always precise to the original Greek

    King James Version- more precise but the hardest English when it comes to readability (translation of the Latin text)

    New American Standard Version- the most precise but also is the hardest English to understand and read

    New King James Version & English Standard Version- more precise but not as readable English

    Overall, my dad recommends either of the last two.

  2. :D umm..i really like the King James version the best...I read the New Living Translation, and it...changed a lot of stuff.

    BTW, I really like your poem on the last was awesome.

  3. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I think they have the Kind James Version at the Dollar Store, if you want that one. At least, they did the last time I was at one!


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