Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

Just like last year, I'm posting up some Halloween pictures we just took. This year, Maya and I stayed home, handed out candy, and basically just goofed off. Our costumes are the same as last year's.

We went to Microsoft yesterday to "trick-or-treat"- the fancy word for "running-to-all-the-candy-boxes-you-see and-grabbing-as-much-candy-as-you-can-when-nobody-is-looking." So we ended up having a LOT of candy to hand out :)


Don't look at me!

Fooling around...

Don't mess with me!

The little details of my costume:

Me and my secrets :D

And finally, around 8 PM:

Hope you had a great Halloween!


  1. It looks like you guys had a great time! Happy Halloween. :)

  2. You look so much older in just a year.

    What is this about Microsoft? I'm confused.

  3. Every year, at all the Microsoft office buildings here, there's trick-or-treating for the kids. Basically, the employees leave candy outside their offices and you just go around collecting candy.

  4. Cool! I had lots of fun too!

  5. awwww you guys are the cutest witches.

  6. Looks like you guys had a awesome time. Happy halloween!

  7. I stayed home too! cute costumes too!

  8. :D Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. We stayed home, too. I was an accident victim :P


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