Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Lightning Thief trailer!

The movie trailer for the first Percy Jackson book, The Lightning Thief, just came out! You can watch it here.

I really love the visuals in the trailer -- they're very dramatic and Mount Olympus looks cool! (Like Hogwarts) But there's no dialogue in the trailer, no explanation of the plot, etc. which really bugged me. And why does Logan Lerman's hair look brown?

What do you think?


  1. I like the visuals too and I have to agree with you, Priya, that Mount Olympus looks like Hogwarts. Yeah, the no dialouge thing bugs me a lot, too. And isn't Logan Lerman's supposed to look brown or is it supposed to be black?

  2. Well, Percy Jackson has black hair...

  3. Yeah..I saw this..friend posted it on Facebook...dragged my sister into the room to show her :D
    I can't wait to see this movie...I hate how long it's taking to come out.

  4. Wow. Thank you for that.


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