Thursday, March 12, 2009


As some of you may have already noticed, I've changed the title of my blog to "Book Crumbs." (much thanks to Q for her immensely useful resources and suggestions) So if you've linked me, I would really appreciate it if you make that quick edit. Thanks!

And also, I'm doing a little renovation on my blog now. I'm trying to organize my posts a little better now and everything, and I may be playing around with the template. I'll try and settle everything soon.


  1. I offer template help, too.

  2. Q- oooh, what do you suggest?

    Maya- yes, renovating is fun, isn't it?

  3. Well, you're going to have to choose what kind of look you want, but I'll help you if you need html help.

    I got my background from, and they have some really good ones. They're easier to change than a whole template because getting a template from an outside source can delete your widgets, whereas the background is just another widget that you can switch out easily.

  4. Sweet. :) I like it.


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