Thursday, January 15, 2009

baseball talk and my abysmal baseball knowledge

I got two ARC's from HarperCollins: one about dogs and one about baseball.

They were both pretty good, actually. I learned a lot about weird dog breeds and famous baseball players. Can you believe that until now I didn't know that Babe Ruth was a pitcher? I don't really know what I thought he was...just a hitter, I guess...or a candy bar... lol. And out of the other famous baseball players, I had only heard of one other: Jackie Robinson. Because everyone knows him...right?


  1. Hey, I didn't know he was a pitcher until just now. :)

  2. I agree with cuileann. I was just too ashamed to say it. :)

  3. Whew! At least I'm not the only one.

  4. *grins evilly* I did know that, all thanks to a great YA book I read a few years ago...if only I could remember the title.

  5. Oh, yeah, I'd only heard of Jackie Robinson, too...

    I think everyone knows him.

  6. Your interview questions!

    1. If you could go somewhere for a week just to write, where would you go?

    2. Are you an extrovert or introvert?

    3. What book have you read recently that you think should be made into a movie?

    4. What is your favorite quote?

    5. Favorite five songs?


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