Sunday, November 02, 2008

Lemon Cupcakes

The small lemon cupcakes sat forlornly in their plastic packaging. As an unsuspecting hand carefully opened the box, some cupcakes clung to the lid while others tilted over lopsidedly in the container. Although the cupcakes looked delicious from the outside, they were really "evil" on the inside.

The cupcake was as hard as a rock. The color and taste of stale cardboard, the inside cake was capable of causing indigestion, diarrhea, and much worse. The yellow swirl of frosting on the outside, if anything, was comforting. Overly sweet, the frosting was lightly blanketed by miniature crystallized pink-and-white sprinkles. The sprinkles and sweet frosting helped to balance out the bland flavor of the cupcake, but it did not improve the softness and quality of the cake. Sickening and disgusting, the lemon cupcakes were sure to cause nothing but trouble and misery to any unfortunate soul unlucky enough to try the sweet out.

*These cupcakes really do exist! I tried one myself and almost gagged. I threw it away after the first bite. :-)*

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